In the WooCommerce world, the term “product variation” states the minor differences (color, size, detail, etc.) between similar products. E-commerce owners who offer a WooCommerce variable product create a list for the product and then let the buyer select their preferred variation via a simple dropdown menu.
This comprehensive guide has everything you need to know about the WooCommerce variable product. We’ll discuss what is a WooCommerce variable product, variations, attributes, and strategies that would help us to optimize our sales through WooCommerce variations. It also gives you step-by-step instructions on how to master variable products with some of the best WooCommerce plugins for product variations.
WooCommerce Variable Product
In a WooCommerce store, there are various variable products that store owners can use to add different stock products called WooCommerce variable pricing. Options allow owners to bid on prices, promotions, images, and similar areas. With a variable WooCommerce product, you can build your inventory on multiple versions of a small number of products.
Despite the general term, WooCommerce products are of certain types, including the following:
Simple is a staple product, and for many, it is all they will ever need. Simple products are usually physical objects; You have to ship them, and you have no options. A general example is a book.
Grouped WooCommerce products are complex and combine individual-related products into a group.
Downloadable products contain plugins, PDFs, and graphics and do not need to be submitted.
The virtual product does not have to be sent. It turns out to be an abstract thing similar to service.
Variable products have different versions for customers to choose from. Variable products are commonly used WooCommerce products that give sellers the freedom to offer their customers product variations. The seller may sell the same product with different characteristics such as size, shape, and color. With this type of product, the seller also has complete control over the price, image, stock, and other important factors related to their products.
Put merely, WooCommerce product variants are the different forms in which a product can be sold. For example, a seller may sell a simple t-shirt, but they can buy three different colors or different sizes. Available sizes and colors are variable, but in the end product; the variables selected are variations.
It would be inconvenient for the seller, and it would take a long time to create a new list for each variation. Therefore, you need variations and their handy dropdown menus.
It’s much easier to make a single list and then create an inline variation for size and color. If you don’t like dropdown menus, you can customize them so that customers can click the boxes for their preferred product sizes. As soon as the customer has made their choice, they can put the item in their shopping cart and checkout for their virtual shopping tour.
Variation Facts
With variations, you can deal with all of this data for each variety. It allows you to keep track of the inventory of your little red shirts separately from your big green shirts. We can maintain product cost, deal with different shipping methods, and manage independently all the oversee deals costs. We can also manage a variety of product images for every variation.
WooCommerce Attribute
The method of dividing products into multiple groups is called WooCommerce Attributes. You can create an attribute like size and then customize the terms under the quality like small, medium, or large. Let’s take the above example of a T-shirt as a product that possesses different sizes like large, medium, and small. In this scenario, size is our attribute.
In our T-shirt example, certain variations depend on an attribute called size. We create our product “shirt” and assign it the attribute “size”. At last, we produce product variants as indicated by the quality. In this case, we have three options large, medium, and small.
Things will become more complicated when more than one attribute is given to a single product. In our T-shirt example, we can have two attributes which are size and color. If our shirt comes in all sizes and colors, we can have numerous combinations.
Difference Between Variations and Attributes
I think I have answered this question very well. For further clarification, a method of dividing information related to a product, for instance, size is called a WooCommerce Attribute. Variants are the authorizations of the attribute instances such as Small, Medium, and Large.
How to Optimize WooCommerce Product Variations for Sales
A compelling tool that gives a boost to your online sales of a WooCommerce store is known as WooCommerce variable products. However, with a standard WooCommerce setup, they miss some excellent selling features that kick-start your business.
WooCommerce Attribute Swatches
Adding snapshots and colors to your WooCommerce product offerings will make your customers much better and more visible.
WooCommerce’s attribute swatches plugin encourages you to include these content, radio buttons, and shading fields to make selections faster and easier.
WooThumbs for WooCommerce
In a standard installation of WooCommerce, for each variable product, you can include just a single variation picture. For WooCommerce storekeepers, it could be disappointing, who need to add various varieties of pictures to their items.
With WooThumbs for WooCommerce, you can do this and modify your whole WooCommerce item display from picture extension to format.
WooCommerce Show Single Variations
WooCommerce only displays your variable products on the store page as multiple-choice products by default.
As a business owner, you can instead submit each selection as a separate product on your business page. You can use it to promote your entire product catalog, reduce customers, and increase sales.
You can do this by letting customers filter each variation and display each product as a separate item with WooCommerce shows single variation plugin.
Final Thoughts
This article offered you a great deal of guidance on what are a WooCommerce variable product and its distinctive features. The aim is also to understand the use of variations. The best part of WooCommerce variable products is that they are easy to use. By following simple process instructions, each online store can use different products. Once created, they are easy to manage. If you need to expand it, a quality theme will help.